Quick start
go get -u github.com/humweb/go-tables
Setup Resource
This page demonstrates setting up a table resource.
package resources
import (
type UserResource struct {
// NewUserResource creates new table resource
func NewUserResource(db *gorm.DB, req *http.Request) *UserResource {
r := &UserResource{
Db: db,
Request: req,
HasGlobalSearch: true,
r.Fields = r.GetFields()
r.Filters = r.GetFilters()
return r
// GetFields setup fields for table
func (u *UserResource) GetFields() []*tables.Field {
return []*tables.Field{
NewField("ID", tables.WithSortable()),
NewField("First name", tables.WithSortable(), tables.WithVisibility()),
NewField("Last name", tables.WithSortable(), tables.WithSearchable()),
NewField("Email", tables.WithSortable()),
NewField("Username", tables.WithSortable()),
NewField("Last login", tables.WithSortable()),
// GetFilters allows you to setup options filters
func (u *UserResource) GetFilters() []*tables.Filter {
return []*tables.Filter{
tables.NewFilter("Client ID"),
// ApplyFilters allows you to add custom filters based on things like route parameters
func (u *UserResource) ApplyFilter(db *gorm.DB) {
if clientId := chi.URLParam(u.Request, "client"); clientId != "" {
db.Where("client_id = ?", clientId)
if siteId := chi.URLParam(u.Request, "site"); siteId != "" {
db.Joins("inner join sites_users ON sites_users.user_id = users.id").Where("sites_users.site_id = ?", siteId)
// WithGlobalSearch setup query for global search
func (u *UserResource) WithGlobalSearch(db *gorm.DB, val string) {
if v, err := strconv.Atoi(val); err == nil {
db.Where("id = ?", v)
} else {
val = "%" + val + "%"
db.Where(db.Where("first_name ilike ?", val).
Or("last_name ilike ?", val).
Or("email ilike ?", val)),
HTTP Handler
func (h UserHandler) GetUsers(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
resource := resources.NewUserResource(h.DB, r)
// Preload relationships
resource.Preloads = []*tables.Preload{{
Name: "Owner",
Extra: func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return db.Select("id", "email")
// Pass model and get results
var clients []models.Client
response, _ := resource.Paginate(resource, clients)
_ = h.Inertia.Render(w, r, "Users", response)